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5 Reasons to Get a Backup Camera for your BMW

Bart Donda

Oct 20, 2020

5 Reasons to Get a Backup Camera for your BMW

Not sure if you should get a rear-view camera? Worry not, we’ve selected the best advantages of adding a parking camera to your BMW.

 5 Reasons to Get a Backup Camera for your BMW

  1. Avoid unexpected damage to your car

    It can be difficult to see every object when you’re in reverse. Bottles, bicycles, basketballs or whatever else you may not expect can end up in the way of your BMW. Even visible objects can sometimes appear further than they appear, which can result in a nasty dent or scratch.
  2. Park straight

    Maybe it’s just me, but I think there’s something beautiful about a BMW parked perfectly. The dynamic parking lines on your backup camera will ensure you reverse at the right angle. Those ideally aligned yellow lines on the pavement are like a picture frame for your car. The only downside is: you won’t be able to stop turning around to admire your BMW as you walk away.
  3. Protect the little ones

    Depending on where you’re parked, children and animals can end up behind your car while you’re backing up. Even if you checked before getting in the car, kids and pets have the habit of being unaware of their surroundings and suddenly getting into places they shouldn’t be in. According to the AAA, it takes a total of 81 inches beyond the bumper of a vehicle for a rear-view mirror to offer complete vision for the driver.
  4. Easier on your body

    If you do a lot of reversing, a backup camera will save you from constantly having to turn around — incredibly useful if you’re suffering from an injury that makes it difficult to do so. Plus, you avoid the risk of pulling any neck muscles due to excessive neck twisting.
  5. Feel confident

    Combine these perks and you get a new parking experience that makes driving easier. Suddenly, backing up becomes a breeze and you’ll find yourself parking your BMW in new spots and positions you haven’t considered before.


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